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School of Business Holds Staff Meeting for the New Semester

source:启辰白菜网   Chen Ang     time: 2024-03-17    Hits:

To further unify ideas and gather momentum for progress, and to better coordinate the work for the new semester, the School of Business held its new semester staff meeting in the Far East Lecture Hall on the afternoon of March 13. The meeting was attended by the school's leadership team and all faculty members and was chaired by the party committee secretary of the school, Liu Changqing.

At the beginning of the meeting, all faculty members watched a video short titled "The Spirit of Educators in My Heart" by Professor Gu Mingyuan from Beijing Normal University.

During the meeting, the leaders reported on their respective areas of responsibility. Dean Pu Xuji acknowledged the achievements of the past year and laid out plans for the new semester in six areas: advancement in education and employment, undergraduate education and teaching, graduate education and EDP, development of disciplines and faculty, scientific research and social services, and international exchange and cooperation. He emphasized that the school would continue to advance the revision and implementation of the new performance evaluation scheme. The deputy secretary of the party committee and vice dean of the school, Xu Jing, introduced the new semester's student work strategies and measures, covering talent cultivation, academic competitions, education and employment, psychological services, and achievements refinement. The efforts in student affairs work will be deeply integrated with the key tasks of the school and jointly pushed forward. Pu Xuji, on behalf of the vice dean on secondment, Qian Wuyong, reported on scientific research, highlighting that the school will follow the requirements of "serving national strategic needs, discipline development needs, and talent cultivation needs," and adhere to a combination of "demand orientation, goal orientation, and result orientation." The aim is to "achieve term goals, undertake major tasks, and produce significant results," focusing on "building high-level teams and high-level platforms" through "optimizing assessment, innovating models, and improving services" to continuously enhance the school's overall level of scientific research. Vice Dean Wang Lei pointed out the importance of improving graduate education in enrollment, training, and degrees, while also refining and deepening the key tasks of the MBA and EDP centers. Vice Dean Liu Yong laid out plans for optimizing undergraduate talent training programs, revising professional talent training programs, advancing the construction of first-class disciplines, strengthening the construction of new liberal arts, and improving the organization of academic competitions, striving to take the school's teaching work to a new level. Finally, Liu Changqing concluded the meeting, encouraging all faculty and staff to unite and be proactive in contributing to the development of the school, while also emphasizing the importance of safety awareness and responsibility.

The staff meeting set a clear direction for the work of the new semester and boosted morale. Led by the school's leadership, all faculty and staff will engage in teaching, scientific research, and administrative management with even greater enthusiasm and a more pragmatic approach, striving to achieve new successes in all aspects of the school's operations.

Secretary of the Party Committee Liu Changqing speaking

Dean Pu Xujin speaking

Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Vice Dean , Xu Jing speaking

Vice Dean Wang Lei speaking

Vice Dean Liu Yong speaking
