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JNU MBA Team Won First Prize at the 13th Peak Time

source:   Author and Photographer: Tang Jie     time: 2021-04-15    Hits:

On April 11, the China Finals of the 13th Peak Time Business Simulation Competition, which lasted 5 months, came to a successful conclusion. The 77 teams that stood out from the 1,400 teams from 150 colleges and universities across China were engaged in a fierce competition for 5 days and 4 nights. The MBA team, “Rainbow Candy”, of JNU won the First Prize for MBA and the “Photogenic Award”.

At the very beginning, the MBA team worked out a detailed and thorough preparation plan under the guidance of the Dean Teng Lefa, as well as the Deputy Dean Professor Wang Yuhong and the event leader Tang Jie. After more than a month, they finally completed the commercial roadshow video, team introduction in English, platform-based business simulation, presentation and defense. During the competition, despite that the team leader suffered accidental injuries, the team did not retreat in the slightest. They faced the crisis, overcame many difficulties, and finally achieved excellent results.

The event kicked off in October 2020, attracting more than 105 colleges and universities across China. It consists of five stages of the global competition. The MBA Program Center organized ten MBA teams to participate in the competition, six of which advanced to the semi-finals, and the Rainbow Candy team made it to the national finals.

Over the years, the MBA Program Center has organized more than 450 MBA students to sign up for the Peak Time. They have won four First Prizes and seven Second Prizes, effectively improving students’ awareness of innovation and entrepreneurship, as well as skills in leadership, corporate management, decision-making, teamwork and communication.

Team photo in the competition

The team in the competition.

The team were making preparations.
