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First Council of “Alliance of Industry-University-Research Technology for Quality and Brand in the Yangtze River Delta” Successfully Held

source:   Author and Photographer: Li Feng     time: 2020-07-10    Hits:

On the afternoon of July 7, the first council of the Alliance of Industry-University-Research Technology for Quality and Brand in the Yangtze River Delta was held in Bureau of Market Supervision of Wuxi and presided over by Hu Hong, the deputy director. Present were representatives of the members.

The Secretariat introduced the preparation of the Alliance and reported on the next step. The Alliance Charter was approved. Chen Wei, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and president of JNU, served as the chairman of the Alliance, and Chen Hua, deputy dean of the Shanghai Institute of Quality Management Science, and Jiang Chengzhi, chairman of Far East Smart Energy, as the vice chairman. Dean of JNU School of Business Teng Lefa was the secretary general.

The leaders and guests exchanged ideas, provided suggestions on the long-term development of the Alliance, as well as on how to promote the integration of industry and education, university-enterprise cooperation and thus the social economy.

Zhang Liang, director of JNU President’s Office and director of the Office of City-University Cooperation Office, attended the meeting. He pointed out that, with quality and brand as the focus, sharing and integration of resources would be promoted among major quality and brand research institutions and leading enterprises for the upgrading of industries in the Yangtze River Delta. He put forward three suggestions for JNU and its quality and brand research institute, namely, connecting all sectors of society, providing service support, and pursuing innovation.

Supported by Wuxi Municipal People’s Government and the Bureau of Market Supervision of Wuxi, the Alliance is made up of the Quality and Brand Research Institute of JNU, Shanghai Institute of Quality Management Science, Center for Quality Management Research of Zhejiang University, Institute of Plasma Physics of Chinese Academy of Sciences, as well as five leading enterprises in the Yangtze River Delta. The success of the first council marks the official establishment of the Alliance and is of great significance for the development of the alliance members.

The Representatives
