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Preparatory Meeting for Cooperation Project “Quality and Brand Research” Held at JNU

source:   Author: Li Feng and Wu Yuanyuan     time: 2020-05-17    Hits:

On May 15, 2020, the preparatory meeting for the cooperation project “Quality and Brand Research” between Wuxi Municipal People’s Government and Jiangnan University was successfully held at JNU. Gao Yaguang, Deputy Mayor of Wuxi, Zhou Haoming, Deputy Secretary-General of Wuxi Municipal People’s Government, Xu Weiying, director of Wuxi Bureau of Market Supervision, Hu Hong, deputy director of Wuxi Bureau of Market Supervision, Zhao Jianping, deputy director of Wuxi Bureau of Science and Technology, Dai Kewei, deputy director of Wuxi Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, Chen Wei, president of JNU, and experts from the Key Research Base of Brand Strategy and Management Innovation attended the meeting presided over by Teng Lefa, dean of the School of Business.

On behalf of JNU, Chen Wei expressed warm welcome to the leaders of Wuxi Municipal People’s Government and related functional departments and introduced the overall situation of students back at school, research and pandemic prevention of the School during the pandemic. He also highlighted that cooperation between the government, enterprises, JNU and research institutions not only facilitates JNU’s service to the local economy, but also promotes the development of JNU’s disciplines.

Gao Yaguang reviewed Wuxi’s milestones in quality construction, and affirmed the importance of quality and brand building to promoting the development of Wuxi. He hoped that JNU would provide more intellectual support for the key industries in Wuxi, including IoTs information technology, biomedicine, high-end equipment, and intelligent manufacturing.

Hu Hong gave a special introduction on cooperation planning and project development.

Preparatory Meeting for Cooperation Project “Quality and Brand Research”

President Chen Wei introduced the School.

Deputy Mayor Gao Yaguang made a speech.
