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Academic Ethics for Postgraduate Students in Jiangnan University

source:       time: 2020-03-11    Hits:


In scientific research and academic activities, graduate students consciously abide by academic ethics and obtain research results in a scientific and honest way, which is the basic requirement for graduate students' Ideological and academic quality and one of the conditions for graduate students' assessment standards. In order to further get used to the outline for the implementation of the construction of civil morality and some opinions on strengthening the construction of academic morality issued by the Ministry of education, the Circular of the Ministry of education on seriously dealing with academic misconduct in Institutions of higher learning (MOE [2009] No. 3) and the opinions of the academic degree committee of the State Council on strengthening the construction of academic morality and academic norms in degree awarding work (degree [2010] No.9) document spirit, carry forward the rigorous and realistic school spirit of our university, cultivate high-level and high-quality talents who are honest and diligent, love science, realistic and pragmatic, innovative, rigorous and willing to contribute, improve the ideological quality level and comprehensive training quality of our graduate students, maintain excellent academic research atmosphere and learning atmosphere, put an end to academic falsehood, and promote the discipline of our university regulations on the administration of academic ethics for postgraduates are hereby promulgated for construction, academic innovation and technological progress.


Article 1  Basic requirements for academic ethics of postgraduate students:

In scientific research and academic activities, postgraduates of our university must adhere to the following principles:

1)       Strictly abide by national laws and regulations, protect intellectual property rights, and respect the labor achievements and technical rights and interests of others.

2)       Loyal to science, seeking truth, honest and trustworthy, objective and just, rigorous scholarship, serving the society.

3)       Study hard, be serious, persevere, have the courage to innovate, self-improvement and self-discipline.

4)       Strictly abide by the basic norms of academic research and academic activities, conscientiously implement the norms of citation in academic journals, and put an end to fraud and plagiarism.

5)       We should treat the fame and gain in academic research and academic activities correctly, strictly prohibit the behavior of seeking fame and reputation and harming others, and oppose the phenomenon of seeking immediate success and instant profits and making indiscriminate products.

6)       We should adhere to the view that we should be responsible for our own work, and take independent legal responsibility for academic dissertations and other independently published academic works.

7)       Students or colleagues found to have violations of academic ethics should be discouraged and stopped. Those who seriously violate should be reported to the school in time, dare to fight against the bad academic atmosphere, and maintain a good academic atmosphere.

8)       During and after graduation, we should be consistent, strict with discipline, consciously abide by academic norms and maintain the academic reputation of the University.


Article 2  Regulations on academic ethics of Postgraduates in scientific research and academic activities:

1)       All citations of published or unpublished achievements, data, opinions, etc. shall be clearly stated and detailed in terms of the name, author, year and other details of the relevant literature, and the published literature shall also be listed in terms of publishing agency, publishing place, edition and other contents.

2)       All references shall be listed when graduate students publish academic papers (including dissertation). Important references and unpublished references shall be reported to or submitted to the tutor for review.

3)       The original manuscript of the academic paper published by the graduate student with the signature of "Jiangnan University" or the name of the Tutor (no matter the author) must be reviewed by the tutor, and must be signed and approved by the tutor before submission, otherwise, it will not be recognized when the degree is awarded. If there are other authors' signatures for publishing an academic paper, the consent of the authors must also be obtained. When marking the funding of fund projects at all levels, the tutor or project leader must authorize it in writing.

4)       When the graduate student defends, only the academic papers signed and approved by the tutor can be listed in the list of published papers.

5)       The title page of the postgraduate dissertation must be printed with the statement of originality of the thesis of Jiangnan University, and the references must conform to the citation standard of the references in the regulations on the format of the postgraduate dissertation of Jiangnan University in the postgraduate Handbook of Jiangnan University.

6)       After graduation, the original manuscript of the academic paper signed with the name of the tutor must also be reviewed and approved in writing by the tutor. When the funding of the fund project undertaken by Jiangnan University is marked, the person in charge of the project must also authorize it in writing. The original manuscripts of academic papers signed by "Jiangnan University" and related to my dissertation within five years after graduation must also be reviewed and approved in writing by my tutor.


Article 3  In scientific research and academic activities, it is strictly forbidden to commit any of the following acts in violation of academic ethics:

1)       Misappropriate, plagiarize and plagiarize others' academic achievements (including thesis achievements, technical reports, software programs and research data, etc.).

2)       Falsifying and falsifying research data (including test data, investigation data and software calculation results), concealing adverse data for falsifying innovation results and new discoveries.

3)       Take the existing research results of my research group as my own without any indication in my paper.

4)       Ask others to write articles on behalf of others, or buy articles as their own papers.

5)       Sign the research results that are not involved in the work.

6)       When publishing academic papers, use their signatures without the consent of others, or mark the funded projects without the consent of the project leader.

7)       More than one draft of an academic paper.

8)       Open or tamper with the acceptance letter of published articles.

9)       To influence Postgraduates' examination results, achievement appraisal, scholarship evaluation, thesis review and thesis defense by improper means.

10)    Slander, frame up, intimidate, retaliate, abuse or maliciously attack leaders, tutors, teachers, reviewers of papers (or achievements) and relevant students, etc.

11)    Forge the recommendation letter and other evaluation (or approval) opinions of tutor or expert; forge the signature of tutor, leader or expert.

12)    In all kinds of examinations, cheating, misappropriation of test questions in any form, Trading (or disseminating) misappropriated test questions, and falsifying test results.

13)    In undertaking the work of teaching assistant, research assistant and management assistant, he seeks personal gain by his job.

14)    Embezzle, sell or disseminate the technical patents, proprietary data, and confidential information, paid use of software and other unpublished technical achievements of my research group without authorization.

15)    Creating or maliciously spreading computer viruses.

16)    Students or colleagues who violate academic ethics will not be dissuaded and stopped, and those who seriously violate will not be informed and reported to the school.

17)    For those who think that the relevant personnel of the University (or other units) are in violation of laws, disciplines or academic ethics, they do not report to the discipline inspection department or relevant management department of the University (or report without verification and confirmation after reporting), but spread to the media or the public at will, resulting in adverse consequences.


Article 4  Handling of violations of academic ethics:

1)       Those who violate the academic ethics will be ordered to correct, criticized and educated, postponed the defense, cancelled the relevant awards and disqualified from applying for the degree according to the seriousness of the case. Those who seriously violate the academic ethics and have bad influence shall be given a warning, serious warning, demerit recording, staying in the University for observation and even expelled from the school according to the regulations on disciplinary punishment of students of Jiangnan University. According to the detailed rules for the conferment of doctoral degree of Jiangnan University and the detailed rules for the conferment of academic master's degree of Jiangnan University, no degree will be awarded to postgraduates who have been punished with demerit or above during their study. If a degree has been awarded, the university will cancel the degree and publish a notice of cancellation.

2)       Those who seriously violate academic morality and even violate the law shall be transferred to the judicial organ and investigated for legal responsibility according to law.

3)       If there are serious violations of academic ethics involving Jiangnan University and tutors within five years after graduation, the university will, depending on the seriousness of the case, respectively give public criticism until the degree is revoked.

4)       For the postgraduate guidance teachers who violate the academic ethics, the university will suspend the enrollment and cancel the qualification of tutor according to the seriousness of the case; for those who seriously damage the academic ethics, they will be dealt with according to the national measures for dealing with academic misconduct.

5)       The school will deal with the relevant personnel involved in the fraud in accordance with the relevant regulations.

6)       The university will use the "academic misconduct detection system of academic dissertations" to detect academic misconduct of Postgraduates' academic dissertations. In case of academic misconduct of academic dissertations, according to the management measures of Jiangnan University on academic misconduct detection of academic dissertations, the university will suspend degree granting, not grant degree or cancel degree granting depending on the seriousness of the case.


Article 5  Acceptance and appraisal of violations of academic ethics:

1)       The graduate school and the degree evaluation sub committees are responsible for accepting issues related to graduate students' violation of academic ethics.

2)       The university degree evaluation committee shall be responsible for the relevant identification work and put forward the handling opinions. If it is necessary to deal with the violation of university discipline, it shall be reported to the university student work Steering Committee and relevant functional departments of the University. When necessary, experts from related disciplines inside and outside the university can be employed to form a special academic ethics identification team to identify the behaviors that violate the academic ethics.

3)       The university degree evaluation committee shall accept the appeal of unfair handling of academic ethics violations.


Article 6  These regulations shall come into force as of the date of promulgation and shall be interpreted by the graduate school. The original regulations on the administration of the academic ethics of graduate students of Jiangnan University (Jiangnan University Office [2011] No. 33) shall be repealed at the same time.
