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School of Business Holds Scholarship Award Ceremony and "Hundred Thousand Talent Project" Enterprise Visits to Promote Employment Special Action at Far East Holding Group

source:   Chen Ang     time: 2024-04-29    Hits:

In the vibrant spring season, outstanding students from the School of Business of Jiangnan University gathered at Far East Holding Group to participate in the 2023 Far East Scholarship Award Ceremony and the "Hundred Thousand Talent Project" Enterprise Visits to Promote Employment Special Action organized by Jiangnan University. The purpose of this event is to deepen cooperation between the university and enterprises, promote exchanges and cooperation in talent cultivation, scientific innovation, and provide more practical opportunities and employment prospects for students of the School of Business, thus advancing the integration of industry and education. Senior Advisor of Far East Holding Group, Executive director of Far East Charity Foundation, Zhou Dongjiao, Director of the Human Resources Service Center, Zhang Yanyan, Deputy Director of the Party and Government Office, Kong Qunling, Assistant to the Director of the Party and Government Office, Kang Na, along with the Secretary of the Party Committee of the School of Business, Liu Changqing, Vice Secretary and Associate Dean, Xu Jing, counselor Wang Jieyu, and 32 students from the School of Business attended the event. The award ceremony was hosted by Zhang Yanyan.

At the beginning of the event, amidst warm applause, the Far East Scholarship Award Ceremony officially began. After rigorous evaluation, a total of 20 students from the School of Business were awarded the Far East Scholarship. They demonstrated outstanding performance in academic achievements, scientific research innovation, social practice, etc., fully showcasing the charm of the students from the School of Business. Wei Yanyu, a representative of the award-winning students, expressed her determination to cherish the honor and strive to become a pillar of the country. Ms. Zhou Dongjiao and Secretary Liu Changqing awarded honorary certificates to the 20 students who received the 2023 Far East Scholarship. Jiang Xue, a 2020 graduate of the School of Business, shared her work experience in the company, talked about the company's excellent corporate culture and proactive atmosphere, and shared her personal advice on how to plan a career during university with younger students. Secretary Liu Changqing, on behalf of the School of Business, presented Zhou Dongjiao with a donation certificate and a commemorative medal for "donating to support education" as a token of appreciation.

Subsequently, Zhou Dongjiao delivered an enthusiastic speech, warmly welcoming the leaders, teachers, and students of the School of Business of Jiangnan University. She introduced the development history, corporate culture, and future development strategy of Far East Holding Group, emphasizing that talent is the core competitiveness of enterprise development. She stated that Far East Holding Group will actively fulfill its social responsibility, with the three lines of enterprise, education, and charity running in parallel, collaborating with universities to cultivate more outstanding talents and contribute to the economic and social development of the country. Subsequently, Liu Changqing, Secretary of the Party Committee of the School of Business, delivered a speech. He expressed gratitude for the strong support from Far East Holding Group and briefly introduced the basic situation of the School of Business, discipline construction, and achievements in talent cultivation. He pointed out that the School of Business has always been committed to cultivating business talents with an international perspective, innovative spirit, and sense of social responsibility, closely cooperating with enterprises to promote the integrated development of industry, education, and research. He hoped that both sides could take this event as an opportunity to further strengthen cooperation and achieve mutual benefit and win-win results.

In addition, the event also included the "Hundred Thousand Talent Project" Enterprise Visits to Promote Employment Special Action. Teachers and students of the School of Business visited places such as the technology museum, medium-voltage cable factory, marine cable factory, and Far East Battery of Far East Holding Group, understanding the advanced management concepts and technological applications of the enterprise. At the same time, representatives of the company also provided detailed introductions to the recruitment needs, position settings, and development prospects for the students. The deep cooperation between the School of Business of Jiangnan University and Far East Holding Group in this event not only provides valuable practical opportunities and broad employment prospects for students of the School of Business but also delivers a large number of outstanding talents to the enterprise. Both parties will take this as an opportunity to continuously deepen cooperation, explore new modes of talent cultivation, and make greater contributions to the economic and social development of the country.

Far East Scholarship Award Ceremony

Secretary Liu Changqing Presenting a Donation Certificate to Ms. Zhou Dongjiao

Visiting Far East Holding Group I

Visiting Far East Holding Group II

Group Photo of the Event
